Terms of use
The terms provided are meant to guide visitors of this website as to the proper use and distribution of information.
Legal notice and privacy policy
This website is managed by Karen Goncalves, whose registered address is Calle Conrado del Campo 5, 28027 Madrid, with Spanish identity document NIE number: Y3888009B and email address info@karengoncalvese.com.
Following the new EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) instructions.
I. Purpose
This document governs relations between users browsing this photographer’s website and the photographer, and answers any legal questions that may be asked by users, with specific emphasis on:
• Manner of use and browsing
• Intellectual property rights
• Liability
• Applicable law and jurisdiction
The photographer’s website is a platform for exhibiting her work, publications, travels and experiences. The photographer reserves the right to feature third party advertising materials which she considers are related or relevant to visitors to her website.
The photographer reserves the right to change the website design, presentation and/or configuration at any time without giving prior notice and to alter all or any of the contents, amend the terms and conditions and/or specific terms and conditions of use. Users are therefore urged to read these carefully every time they visit the website.
II. Use of the website and responsibilities of the supplier
All exclusive rights to exploit and use the website are owned by the photographer, who is therefore liable for all disputes and damages deriving from the content uploaded. The photographer waives all liability for third party contents uploaded without her written permission, pursuant to Section 16 of Law 34/2002.
This website has been designed so as to reduce the likelihood of technical error to a minimum. This notwithstanding, there is always a risk that unforeseeable technical faults or errors may arise, therefore the photographer does not guarantee that the service will not be temporarily interrupted or affected by for some other cause. The photographer accepts no liability whatsoever for such faults or technical errors. At any time, and without prior notice to the user, the photographer may suspend the services provided via her website on a temporary basis.
The photographer reserves the right to include advertising information, pointing to websites or links to third party websites. In this case, the photographer accepts no liability for the contents of such websites, although she will remove them should she be informed that they contain illegal content once this has been ascertained.
III. Intellectual property
This website is an original work and is protected by intellectual property rights with all rights reserved. No part of the website or its content may be reproduced or transferred, including the title, texts, graphics, design code, without prior authorisation from the author. Users may not copy, modify or reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Software.
All logos and trademarks appearing on the website are protected by national and international property law, and are protected by public registries.
Logos which are not owned by the photographer that appear on the website belong to their owners, who are responsible for any disputes that may arise. The placement of these on the website is conditional on prior notification and acceptance by their owners.
All images published on the website are owned by the photographer. Users wishing to use any of the images exhibited on the website for any reason must obtain the written consent of the photographer unless otherwise indicated by the photograph.
This said, images hosted on the website are subject to specific conditions of use, unless the photographer expressly states otherwise.
- Users may use images hosted on the website solely for the purpose of looking at them on the screen and only on the photographer’s website.
- Users may not use the images for commercial use, either free of charge or in exchange for consideration.
- Users may not distribute or publicly communicate the images through any media, physical or digital, even if the exchange is between private parties, which expressly includes P2P networks.
- Users wishing to make a different use of the images other than that initially permitted must be authorised by the photographer in writing.
- Users may not use nor incorporate any part of an image in another composition, collage or any type of derivative work.
- The act of modifying the image does not bestow on the user any rights over the work. The original image, modified or altered, is protected by the photographer’s author’s rights.
- Users may not use the images for illegal or immoral purposes, of a pornographic, racist or xenophobic nature or which incite discrimination or violence of any kind.
- Users may not use the images for in a manner that is detrimental to the commercial or brand reputation or image of the company or the author of the images.
- The use of any part of the images as a trade mark or business logo is strictly forbidden without the express permission of the photographer.
Complaints from users with regard to possible breaches of intellectual Property rights with regard to any contents of this website should be addressed to the email provided in the section above.
IV. Applicable law and jurisdiction
All disputes regarding the website or any subsidiary websites will be subject to Spanish law and all matters arising from the use of this website shall be heard by the Courts of the registered address stated in the first paragraph, consumer tribunals or similar of which the photographer is a member when the dispute arises. Any complaints about our services may be sent by email to the address indicated above.